The best game like app done with Google Earth
The best game-like app done with Google Earth so far. I'd really like to know how they (he) actually did collision detection. It mostly works..!
Using the 3D renderings of cities like San Francisco and New York you can complete basic driving missions to unlock more video trailers
As you drive around, you can unlock extra video clips from the movie by performing specific tasks such as reaching (and holding) 100+ mph, performing a variety of jumps, traveling over 6 miles or crashing the van enough times [which is my expertise]. The collision detection with the 3-D buildings is very impressive and makes it pretty easy to crash.
Using the 3D renderings of cities like San Francisco and New York you can complete basic driving missions to unlock more video trailers
As you drive around, you can unlock extra video clips from the movie by performing specific tasks such as reaching (and holding) 100+ mph, performing a variety of jumps, traveling over 6 miles or crashing the van enough times [which is my expertise]. The collision detection with the 3-D buildings is very impressive and makes it pretty easy to crash.